Positive Psychology in practice

Positive psychology

Positive psychology is the scientific study of optimal human functioning and the study of what makes life most worth living.

Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting
Personal Development

Group programmes and workshops! What else can positive psychology teach us? About leaving the comfort zone, discipline and change of habits, overcoming limiting beliefs, increasing resilience, mindfulness...

Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting

Individual work! Coaching is working on a specific topic the client has, one-on-one with the coach. Coaching is an opportunity for a client to find an ally in a safe environment on the path he or she walks or wants to walk.

Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting
How to Love Life

How to apply positive psychology so we truly fall in love with life, and live it in a more fulfilling manner? This inspiring book about the Camino, life and positive psychology is available online and in bookstores.

How can positive psychology change your life?

Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that studies what makes people successful and how they can live fulfilled and happy lives. In daily life and in the long run – practical and inspiring! 

The science of a happy life

This scientific discipline focuses on all that people do well, and that could be passed on to the wider population to give them the tools for a better life. This knowledge has become even more important in the current situation in the world.

It deals with various areas:
Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting

Is it possible to live well?

Yes, it is. All you have to know is how. Positive psychology has the answers. 

I invite you to join the following workshops:

Find more information on workshops at Personal Development. ​

Want to find out more?
Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting

Other Information

I wish to invite you to find out more about these topics through the School of Positive Psychology at my YouTube channel where I regularly upload videos and other materials on various concepts from positive psychology and talk about the benefits that applying such concepts may bring you. It is all free of charge. 🙂 

Join the people who are actively changing their lives for the better.

You can also check out the extensive list of resources I used during writing my book and in my work generally.

I am looking forward to working with you. 🙂
See you!

Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting
Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting

Personal Development

Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting


Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting

Training & Courses

Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting

Business Coaching

Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting

Business Consulting

Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting

Speaking & Writing

Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting


“I have only words of praise for you, Ivana. You are an extremely open person and everything you have done in the few workshops that I have been following you is that you wake up in people, or you remind them that life is beautiful. You are always in a great mood. You express yourself simply, and explain the topic with exhilaration. Everything is absorbed easier in that way. You encourage a person, especially me, that it is possible and that we should always insist on what we believe in, which is definitely living life to the fullest, happy and joyfully from your heart. Thank you for all your effort and all the changes you bring into the lives of the people who have a chance to work with you. You are a beautiful SOUL."
„I highly recommend Ivana as a trainer and as a person. She is a true professional,highly motivated and very much driven by the passion for helping others. The training that she conducted for us was quite focused, practical and most importantly conferred many benefits to the participants. All aspects of her engagement were clearly defined and she did a great job in carrying out all her commitments towards our company. It was an immense pleasure working with her.“
Nikolina Škoc Treščec, HR, Erste Bank
“The workshop was fantastic! It contained exactly what I need for my further development, and as a bonus, it was filled with positive energy and beautiful feelings. I liked the specific exercises with our own lists, which was complemented by theory. Every time, I am surprised all over again how such work makes me happy, motivated and fulfilled. Thank you, Ivana!”
“The workshop enabled me to become aware of some things about me that were blocking me, keeping the status quo of the situation. I was especially impressed by physical and energy-related boosts, as well as visual experiences in the exercises. It gave me a completely new insight into the old situations. I remember the feeling of enthusiasm, the feeling that everything was possible, and a big “Yes, you can do it!” imprinted into me. Thank you!”
“The workshop was excellent, even though it was remote! I have established some new, positive beliefs, I have become aware that my previous habits have slipped away, and what I can undertake next. I really felt as if returning to the right path was becoming a lot clearer. For me personally, the practical exercises helped a lot, as well as an explanation of the strengths and the style of explaining the situations. I am watching and reacting to the situations with more awareness, and I am much more persistent in meditation. Thank you so much, and see you in some other workshop in the future!"
„Attending Ivana's trainings and workshops "Resilience" and "Resilience for HR and leaders" was an inspiring experience. She manages to switch on my will to think and rethink which always opens my new internal windows. Her approach is concrete, business and human oriented and always seasoned with her positive energy and open communication.“,
Snježana Ljubić, HR partner & Business development
“I have never attended a similar workshop, and I liked it very much. The exercises were interesting, inspirational, fun, and enticing. I will happily expand them and repeat them. I have already experienced that written words have a greater impact than spoken words, but never in the role of self-evaluation and self-development. The first exercise was unusual, but I was thrilled with the end result. The second exercise was great because it was possible to bring so much from the subconscious level. Ivana explained well that along with the methods learned you could work on diminishing your limiting beliefs. Moreover, I was really impressed with her energy and support, and her personal approach.”
“I am extremely satisfied with the first workshop “What Do I Want to Do in Life?”. It was substantive and it included a wide range of questions that we all have to ask ourselves to reach the goal we want: What do we want? Where do we see ourselves in business development? That was just the first step, and I can hardly wait for the next workshop to see where it leads.”

Happiness is a directionnot a place.”

Sydney J. Harris

Ivana Štulić | Positive Psychology, Coaching, Training, Consulting