
Self-belief I am thinking about determination! The intention to carry out some idea to the end. Get in touch If someone tells us we can’t do something, do we believe them? I am thinking about determination. Self-belief. The intention to carry out some idea to the end. In principle, we all know that it (or […]
What is a Bucket list?

What is a Bucket list? A bucket list is a term for the list of things you want to do / experience before you die or “kick the bucket”. 😀 Get in touch Bucket list As you probably already know, a bucket list is a term for the list of things you want to do […]
How can Coaching serve you?

How to be happy? No one teaches us how to live. And it is up to us to succeed in it and achieve our potentials. Get in touch How can coaching serve you? Am I completely satisfied with various aspects of life and with my life in general? If you are, you do not have […]